Tag Archives: private driving instructors

Trusty Private Driving Instructors to assist you with clearing your driving license test

When considering your practical driving, there are choices btt test of selecting school driving instructors or private driving instructors.

A primary reason the majority of people choose private driving instructors is the cost factor.

You can be paying as low as SGD$45 per 90 minutes session (from what I check on the internet some private driving instructors will offer lower rates) with a private driving instructor. And with the same driving instructor (private), you obtain better pointers with respect to correcting your bad driving habits, which actually increases your chances of passing.

With the main benefit of getting a private driving instructor is the cost factor, the second challenge you’ve got is to hire the ideal private driving instructor to prepare you for your practical test.

If you hire and work with a private driving instructor the very first time, there’s a one-time SGD$60 (industry average) as registration fee. The problem lies herein, what if you pay the $60 registration fee and doesn’t have the right private driving instructor? You find yourself paying the registration fees for a new private driving instructor again (and you private driving instructor singapore face exactly the same risks still).

What we do here in Kukudrivers is to work with a pool of private driving instructors who are good and come highly http://driving-in-singapore.spf.gov.sg/services/driving_in_singapore/services/private.html recommended. With regards to this, one man’s meat might be another’s posion. Why?


As lame as it could sound, you might not have the affinity btt test with a private driving instructor who comes recommended by your friends who have good experience with.

I realize this as this comes from my personal first hand experience. My first private driving instructor was an ok person and perhaps I’m a little bit of slow initially, he wasn’t exactly basic theory test patient with me (my friend who recommended me mentioned he was really patient with him).

No hard feelings, it’s basically similar outside anyway, some people just “click” more with others.

Right here at Kukudrivers, what we do is to work with a pool of private driving instructors who come recommended and all you need to do is pay us a private driving instructor singapore one-time fee and in the event of you not being able to work things out with your private driving instructor, we shall recommend another individual for free!

This reduces your risks to find a private driving instructor. In the meantime you can practice your Basic Theory Test (BTT) at our website.